Application of Palmer drought severity index method to real time drought survey in China 帕尔默旱度指数方法在全国实时旱情监视中的应用
Palmer method's defect is pointed out through analysing and a method to improve solution is proposed. It shows by experiments that the solution quality is better than Palmer's. 通过对Palmer法的分析,指出其不足之处,提出一个改进法,具体实例计算表明,改进法的计算量大大减少,而解的质量不低于Palmer法的解。
Palmer's method is used to construct a convex plastic potential surface. According to the properties of the plastic potential surface, it is proved that Melan's shakedown theory with non-associated flow law is still kept valid. 应用Palmer的方法构造塑性势面,根据其性质,证明了静力型安定定理在非关联流动法则下同样成立。
The present thesis studies the translation method as well as the semantic features and pragmatic implications of the English modals based on the classification of the phase and grade of the English modals by Palmer and Prof. 文章依据Palmer和易仲良教授对情态动词相别和级第的划分,研究情态动词的语义特征、语用含义和翻译特点;
Simulation of Stochastic Momentum Cooling Process With Palmer Method in a Storage Ring 储存环内纵向Palmer方式随机冷却过程模拟